Three things every car sales professional needs to know about insurance

You’ve built your client’s trust. You’ve looked all over town for the car that meets their wants and needs. You’ve got them all the way to the closing table to fill out all the documents and arrange the payments. And then you ask them about insurance. Here’s where you need to be very, very careful. Car insurance should NEVER be treated like fast food. Fast food is cheap and full of health risks. Cheap insurance is, likewise, full of risks. So, how should you guide your client? First, if possible, advise them to make their insurance arrangements as part of the buying process. Have them talk with an insurance professional beforehand. Indeed, they might have a great agent already. Second, advise them NEVER to just “turn-and-burn” on a quote at the time of purchase. There are numerous toll-free numbers and smartphone apps where you can buy insurance. People who buy this way almost always select the cheapest options, i.e those offering the most minimal coverage. NEVER buy in...